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  • Design software for Power Box System

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    Connection type
    Connection type

    vEd,II[kN/m]Acting shear force parallel to the joint
    vRd,II[kN/m]Design shear resistance parallel to the joint
    vEd,II[kN/Box]Acting shear force parallel to the joint per box pair
    vRd,II[kN/Box]Design shear resistance parallel to the joint per box pair
    vEd,┴[kN/m]Acting shear force right-angled to the joint
    vRd,┴[kN/m]Design shear resistance right-angled to the joint
    vRd,┴*[kN/m]Design shear resistance right-angled to the joint (reduced)
    zEd,V┴[kN/m]Tensile forces resulting from shear force right-angled to the joint
    nmin[-]Minimum number of box pairs required
    nmax[-]Maximum number of box pairs
    h[m]Joint height

    Input values:

    Joint height [m]
    Acting shear force parallel (vEd,II) [kN/m]
    Acting shear force right-angled (vEd,┴) [kN/m]
    Acting "external" tensile force (zEd,N) [kN/m]
    Concrete strength class[-]
    Connection type[-]
    Wall thickness[cm]
    Joint width[cm]

    Mortar type:

    PHILIPP P&T Grouting mortar